Balloon Artist
Face Painter
Orlando, Florida 407-925-3527
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The Word is preached and souls are reached!
I come to your church with one purpose in mind....Souls! Every word is biblically backed up.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is presented in a memorable way.
I teach and preach in an entertaining manner that will see lives changed and inspire families to love the Lord with their whole heart.
From beginning to end the program is high energy and good clean fun.
The purpose is not lost in all the excitement. Even though the presentation is entertaining, Jesus is honored, and the truth of the Holy Bible is spoken.
Proven, dedicated evangelist.
I have traveled to 4 continents on missions trips as a children’s evangelist for Christianity. For 20 years, I was on staff in Children’s Church. I have co-produced and hosted countless Vacation Bible Schools (VBS).
I am part of an exciting Children’s Christian Musical called Ignite Your Light Kidz.
The founder and producer, Whitney Lynn, is the singing Christian Princess Estie. My puppet, Fizzy, and I are two of the star characters in this incredible, God-inspired musical that enlightens and gives hope and freedom to children around the world!
As of 2018, Ignite Your Light Kidz is being broadcast on 13 Christian TV stations nationwide and in Canada!
Uplift TV
Parables TV
Sacramento Faith TV
Son Broadcasting
Manhattan Neighborhood Network
God's Learning Channel
Total Living Network
360 TV
Miracle Channels Creed TV Canada